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17th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics
17th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics
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Chris Riley

Chair Of Clinical Studies - University of Guelph

Professional Bio

Professor and Chair of the Department of Clinical Studies at the Ontario Veterinary College, Chris Riley is a veterinary clinician-researcher and educator. He is a practicing veterinarian, international researcher, speaker, and author of book chapters and articles on comparative veterinary medicine and surgery, large animal welfare, and aspects of emergency animal response. Among his wider roles, he is past President of the PEI Veterinary Medical Association, represented the New Zealand Veterinary Association on the Commonwealth Veterinary Association, served the Veterinary Council of New Zealand on a committee of the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council, was an inaugural a board member of Animal Emergency Incident Management ANZ, Australia, and Deputy Chair of the National Animal Welfare Emergency Management Subfunction of the New Zealand Government. Reflecting on his multidisciplinary education and research background, he has a strong interest in One Welfare and the interface between human and animal health, risk and well-being, and animal welfare in disasters. He has a longstanding collaboration with faculty at the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka.

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