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Kandarp Patel
Lecturer - The University of Adelaide
Professional Bio
I worked briefly at a mixed species practice after graduating as a veterinarian. I developed a keen interest in Veterinary Public Health while working as a rural veterinarian and completed a post-graduate qualification in VPH at Massey University in New Zealand. I worked with the red deer industry in New Zealand and investigated magnitude and causes of abortion in farmed red deer in New Zealand as part of my PhD (veterinary epidemiology) study. I came to Australia in 2017 and worked with the Southern Rock Lobster industry position investigating risk factors for sub-optimum post-harvest survival in Australian southern rock lobster holding facilities. I also worked with the Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon Industry on pilchard orthomyxovirus outbreaks in farmed Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. I have also worked with Biosecurity South Australia investigating the epidemiology and biocontrol potential of a new variant of rabbit calicivirus. I returned to the University of Adelaide to teach Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology in the DVM and veterinary technology courses. My research interests include public health, infectious disease modelling, surveillance, evaluation of diagnostic tests, and risk analysis.