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Christian Onyando
Program Associate - International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) AfriCenter
Professional Bio
Dr. Christian Odinga is Program Associate for ISAAA AfriCenter with the Capacitating One Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (COHESA) project where he connects technical One Health (OH) actors with non-technical players through a sustained collaboration for delivery of OH solutions. He holds a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Nairobi and is pursuing his master’s in veterinary Epidemiology and Economics from the same institution. In addition, he has postgraduate training in Disaster Management-Disaster preparedness. Previously, Christian worked for the International Livestock Research Institute based Zoonoses in Livestock in Kenya (ZooLinK) project which is a multisectoral/multidisciplinary project that develops an effective integrated surveillance program for zoonotic diseases. He was instrumental in creating a community awareness video for Antimicrobial Resistance and Animal welfare for food safety, among other scientific publications for the technical audience. He also works to support the rabies eradication plans in Kenya under the Laikipia Rabies Vaccination Campaign, and pilot field rabies diagnosis in canines to enhance rabies surveillance in hard-to-reach areas of rural Kenya.